Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Europa Wrap-Up

Hey Guys,

Sorry I've been MIA (again). I returned home to a whirlwind of activity that included trips to LA, SF, and Austin so I have finally managed to sit down and provide a final perspective on my two and half months in Europe.

My final day in Amsterdam did not lack for activity - we made a homemade Dutch pancake breakfast, wandered the shopping streets in the Dam, stopped Eva's roof from caving in from the torrents of rain washing over the building, and watched a circuit breaker explode creating a huge fire just outside her apartment. What a way to finish the trip! I did manage to make it to the airport without mishap and spent the ten hours flying home engrossed in the final Game of Thrones book.

Looking back on my trip I've learned a lot about myself and travel in general. People often say that traveling is all about the destination; the cathedrals, the ruins, the paintings. But this trip has taught me that traveling isn't about that at all. It's about drinking so much Turkish tea with the locals that your stomach might explode. It's about riding on an ATV along the coast of Greece your mouth tightly closed for fear of a bug breakfast. It's about getting lost in a Spanish neighborhood and finding a bar of people who have gathered together to celebrate their favorite band in the most unusual way. It's about passing out on a hot Portuguese beach with your best friend, your sweaty shirt stuck to your back, sleeping off yesterday's late night. It's about watching the sunrise for the fourth time because you just couldn't stop dancing to Tiesto. And it's about sitting across from someone you've just met, sipping ice cold Belgian beer on a humid day, drilling them with questions about their lives, their dreams, their next stop in life.

I won't remember which paintings I saw in the Prado or how many tons a German chandelier weighs but I will remember the excitement radiating from my mother after buying an antique Turkish rug, the kiss of the sunset on my boyfriend's face as it set into Grecian waters, and the conspiratorial giggles with my best friends after a night we only half remember. And I won't soon forget the people I met along the way who shopped me terrible screenplays, introduced me to new music, and shared a bottle of tequila on a plane flight to Ibiza.

Thank you to all who have followed my blog these past few months; it's as if you were there with me. And thanks to all of you who inspired me in these pages by becoming friends that I hope to have for many years to come.

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